Preparation of simple syrup ( B.P and USP ) by using heating , agitation and percolation methods ..pharmacyteach .

Preparation of simple syrup ( B.P and USP )

Preparation of simple syrup ( B.P and USP ) by using heating , agitation and percolation methods
Preparation of simple syrup ( B.P and USP )

what is simple syrup?
The syrup is an aqueous solution that is nearly saturated with sugar i.e. sucrose in water. 
The medicinal and flavoring agents may be present or not.

In dilute solution,
Due to less amount of sucrose, microbial growth can occur.

In a concentrated solution;
it retard microbial growth.  However, crystallization of sucrose may occur under a change in temperature.

Types of syrups.

simple syrup Bp A: types of syrups :
simple syrup Bp A: types of syrups: 

    The syrup which contains medicinal ingredients is known as medicated syrup. 

    Some syrups are without sugar, this type of syrup is called sugar-free syrup. The sugar-free syrup is used for diabetes patients.

     syrup can also prepare by;

    Preparation methods of syrups ;

    2. By agitation method 

    3. By percolation method

    1 . Simple syrup by heating method (B. P) 

    • Weight balance 
    • bunsen burner
    • beaker 
    • tripod 
    • spatula  
    chemicals required : 
    • sugar....................667g     
    • water...............1000g 
    Procedure :
    • weight a definite amount of sugar and add the specified amount of water in a beaker. 

    • heat the solution on a burner with continuous stirring until all sucrose gets dissolved very well.

    • At the end add water to make up the weight of the syrup.

      Preservatives used in simple syrup

    Concentration of preservatives used in simple syrup|
    Preservatives used in simple syrup


      ✒ avoid excessive heating of the syrup because after a long time of heating the ingredients e,g,  sucrose is converted into glucose and fructose, and the Simple sugar syrup will be formed.

    Uses : 

         ✒ Simple syrup is used as a sweetening agent. 
        ✒  It is used as a vehicle for the formation of medicated syrups. 

    2 .  Simple syrup by agitation method (B. P) 

    • Beaker 
    • spatula
    • glass rod 
    • watch glass
    • weighting balance  

    • Sucrose ................667 g 
    • purified water........1000 g 

    Procedure :

    weight the specified amount of sucrose.

      Transfer the sucrose into the bottle double the size required for the end formation of syrup.

       Capping the bottle is important because it prevents contamination and loss during the process.

       keep on agitating until all the sucrose gets dissolved.

       add additional water to produce the required amount of syrup. 

    Also, read; 👇👇

     3 . Simple syrup by Percolation method ( USP) : 

    Apparatus :
    • cotton swab
    • Funnel 
    • Spatula 
    • Stand 
    • Beaker 
    • Weighing balance 

    Ingredients : 
    •    sucrose .............850 g 
    •     Purified water...1000ml 


       if any volatile constituent is to be added then this method is employed.

    Procedure :

    Weight the amount of sucrose and fill the neck of the funnel with it. 

    ⇛ Now add water to the funnel in the low quantities possible.

     The water is allowed to pass slowly through a bed of crystalline sucrose-forming syrup.

     This syrup is collected in a beaker. 

     In the final step, add a sufficient amount of water is passed through the cotton to make the required volume.


      A neat and clear liquid appearance.

    Specific gravity 

    the specific gravity of syrup is 1.313 

    Storage  ;

     Store in tight containers,  at room temperature no more than 25 °C.

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