What happened in Addison disease| symptoms, causes and types

Addison disease| symptoms, causes and types pharmacyteach.com

Addison disease:- 


                    Addison disease is a type of hormonal disorder that occurred when your adrenal gland does not produce sufficient hormones for normal function. The hormone is produced by the adrenal gland including cortisol and aldosterone. If the production of this hormone is too low do not maintain normal function this disorder is called Addison disease.

  In other term, Addison's disease is also known as adrenal insufficiency.

    This disease can occur at any age and both men and women.

    If it leaves untreated it will become a life-threatening disease.


                       Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease) developed slowly, it takes several weak to mouth to appear. symptoms include; 

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • A decrease in appetite as a result of weight loss occurred.
  • Hyperpigmentation (dark skin ).
  • Low blood pressure
  • Salt craving
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Depression and irritation.
  • Body hair loss 
  • Sexual dysfunction in women.

Fatigue in Addison disease.

What is Acute adrenal failure:- 

                        Acute adrenal failure is called an Addisonian crisis. In acute adrenal failure (Addisonian crisis ) signs and symptoms are little different from normal Addison disease.

  • Pain in your legs abdomen and lower back.
  • Severe vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • High potassium (hyperkalemia) 

When need to visit a doctor?

If you have started to appear signs and symptoms that are discussed above you must see a doctor appointment as soon as you visit a doctor it will be better for your health and you can be safe from worse conditions.


                 Addison disease is caused by the damage of the adrenal gland due to any reason It also occurs by insufficient production of adrenal hormones ( cortisol and aldosterone).

Location of adrenal glands:- 

              In the human body, adrenal glands are located above the kidney. the adrenal gland is included in the endocrine system. their secretion is called hormones. There are different functions of this hormone in the body.

       Adrenal glands consist of two layers inner layer and an outer layer. 

The inner layer is called the adrenal medulla and the outer layer is called the adrenal cortex.

From the inner layer, adrenal-like hormones are secreted and form the outer layer group of hormones is secreted which is included glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgen (male sex hormones).


                            There are some important functions of glucocorticoids in the body.

1 . It converts food into energy.

2. It is also involved the in body's immune system of inflammation response.

3. Help to maintain stress.


                                   These hormones maintain body blood pressure by balancing sodium and potassium levels in the blood.


                     Androgen is a sex development hormone.

It is produced by the adrenal gland in a small amount in both males and females.

 Types of adrenal insufficiency:- 

There are two types of adrenal insufficiency.

1. Primary adrenal insufficiency

2. Secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Primary adrenal insufficiency:- 

                          When Addison's disease developed by the damage to the cortex and doesn't produce a sufficient amount of hormone. This condition involved the adrenal gland is referred to as primary adrenal insufficiency.

The cause of primary adrenal insufficiency is for an unknown reason your immune system considers your adrenal cortex as a foreign body and responds against it and causes damage.

Other causes include ; 

1. Tuberculosis

2. Adrenal gland cancer.

Secondary adrenal insufficiency:- 

                       Secondary adrenal insufficiency doesn't involve any kind of adrenal glands damage it is associated with pituitary gland disease.

The pituitary gland is also known as a master of glands.it controls the secretion of different glands in your body. It also produces a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone.

This hormone stimulates the adrenal glands to secret their hormones.


 There are some basic test which is performed for the confirmation of Addison disease occurrence ; 

  1. Blood test
  2. ACTH stimulation test.
  3. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia test.
  4. Imaging tests. 


For the treatment of Addison's disease, hormones replacement therapy is performed to maintain hormones level.
Some common medications are used in the treatment arincludeded 
  • Oral corticosteroids. 
  • fludrocortisone is used to replace aldosterone.
  • Corticosteroid injections.
  • Androgen replacement therapy.

Addison crisis 

 If someone faces a life-threatened condition such as the Addison crisis in which an individual has low blood pressure and low blood sugar level and high blood potassium level.

In this condition take the immediate action needed. especially intravenous injections such as ; 


Saline solution

Sugar (dextrose)

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