An Overview of Aspirin and Methyl Salicylate Synthesis: Procedures, Reactions, and Applications...pharmacyteach

 Synthesis of Aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid, generally referred to as aspirin, is a widely used medicine that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects. It is a member of the NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication) class. Aspirin is commonly used to treat mild to severe pain, such as headaches, aches in the muscles, toothaches, and cramps during menstruation. Additionally, it is used to lessen inflammation and fever, especially in the case of arthritic disorders.

Furthermore, aspirin is frequently advised as a preventive measure against cardiovascular illnesses because of its antiplatelet characteristics. It can lessen the chance of strokes and heart attacks by preventing blood clots from forming. Because of its many uses, aspirin is a common household staple and an essential part of many medical treatment regimens. But still, 

procedure for Synthesis of Aspirin:


• Erlenmeyer flask

• Funnel

• Beaker

• Pipette

• Stirrer

• Water bath

• filter paper

Read about: How to Prepare 1M, 0.1M, and 0.01M Solutions of NaOH

Chemicals Required;

• Acetyl chloride

Glacial acetic acid

• Salicylic acid

• concentrated H2SO4

Chemical Equation;

An Overview of Aspirin and Methyl Salicylate Synthesis Procedures, Reactions, and Applications...pharmacyteach
Chemical Equation Synthesis of Aspirin

Type or reaction;

Acetylation reaction


  • Take 2g of salicylic acid in an Erlenmeyer and add 5 mL of acetyl chloride
  • Add 2mL of glacial acetic acid, and then add 10-15 drops of conc. H2SO4. 
  • Swirl the flask and heat it for about 30 minutes in the water bath. 
  • Take 100mL of cold water in a beaker pour the mixture into this beaker and allow it to stand undisturbed for some time until crystallization is completed. 
  • Filter it and collect the product on the pre-weighed filter paper and weigh the product. 
  • Finally, calculate the percentage yield of the aspirin obtained.

 Ferric Chloride test for Salicylic Acid

In the process of conducting the Ferric Chloride test for Salicylic Acid, a series of steps were followed to discern the reaction of the compound under examination. Specifically, 10 drops of an aqueous 1% ferric chloride solution were introduced into a test tube housing a small quantity of the substance dissolved in 5 mL of water, followed by careful observation of the resulting color change. 

This experiment was replicated using three distinct substances: 1. phenol, 2. salicylic acid, and 3. the unrefined product.

 Notably, the reaction involved the formation of an iron-phenol complex with Fe(III), leading to the manifestation of a definitive color spectrum spanning from red to violet. The specific shade assumed was contingent upon the particular phenol variant present within the tested compounds.

Synthesis of Methyl Salicylate


• Beakers

• Pipette

• Spatula

• Funnel

• Round bottom flask

• Reflex condenser

• Heating mental


• Salicylic acid 2.8 g

• Methanol 10 ml

• Conc. H2SO4 0.6 ml

Chemical equation:

An Overview of Aspirin and Methyl Salicylate Synthesis Procedures, Reactions, and Applications...pharmacyteach
chemical equation for Synthesis of Methyl Salicylate


Salicylic acid Methyl salicylate

  • Take 2.8 g of Salicylic acid and 10 ml methanol in a round bottom flask swirl the flask to 
  • dissolve salicylic acid and add 0.6 ml Conc. H2SO4 to the flask. 
  • Add boiling chips attach to the condenser and reflux the mixture for one and a half hours.
  • Cool the solution at room temperature and decant it from the boiling chips. 
  • Take the solution in a separating funnel containing 5ml chloroform. Also, rinse the round bottom flask with a further 2-3 ml chloroform and pour the mixture into the separating funnel. 
  • Shake the mixture and allow to stand for the separation of organic and aqueous layers. Wash the organic layer with about 10ml 5o% solution of NAHCO3 to remove any un-esterified salicylic acid.
  • Separate the two layers and add a small amount of anhydrous Magnesium stearate in the organic layer (to remove any remaining water) and allow standing for 20 min. filter and finally calculate the yield of methyl salicylate obtained.

Uses of Methyl salicylate

The resulting Methyl Salicylate is commonly used in the fragrance and flavor industries due to its characteristic wintergreen aroma. It also finds applications in the production of perfumes, as a flavoring agent in food products, and in the formulation of topical analgesic products.

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